Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Roman Catholicism

http://worldchristianchurches.blogspot.comMost of the Roman Catholic Churches share the certain essential distinctive beliefs and practices. The Anglicans are different among themselves on these matters:

Direct and the continuous organisational descent from the original church founded by Jesus
Possession of the "threefold ordained ministry" of Bishops, Priests and Deacons.

All ministers are ordained by, and subject to, Bishops, who pass down the sacramental authority by the "laying-on of hands", having themselves been ordained in a direct line of the succession from the Apostles.

Their belief that the Church, not any one book, is the vessel and deposit of the fullness of the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. This teaching is now preserved in both written scripture and in written and oral church tradition. Neither is independent of the other.

The use of images, candles, vestments and music in worship.
The making of the Sign of the Cross in a variety of contexts.
Belief that the bread and wine of the eucharist really are Jesus's body, blood, soul, and divinity — not just "symbols".

Veneration of Mary, the mother of Jesus as the Blessed Virgin Mary or Theotokos, and the veneration of the saints.

A distinction among worship (latria) for God, and the veneration (dulia) for saints, with the term hyperdulia used for a special veneration accorded to the Virgin Mary among the Roman Catholics. This "hyperdulia" is not universal to all the Catholics.The usefulness of prayer on behalf of the dead.
Salvation through faith lived out through the good works, rather than by faith alone.

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